Elementary Results about Functions and Sets
This note aggregates many elementary results about images and pre-images of sets under functions, and how these properties differ when imposing conditions such as injectivity, surjectivity and bijectivity.
Image and Pre-Image of Union and Intersection
Image Preserves UnionFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(A_i \subseteq X\) for all \(i \in I\)
\[ f\left(\bigcup_{i \in I} A_{i}\right) = \bigcup_{i \in I} f(A_{i})\]
Image of Intersection is Subset of Intersection of ImagesFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(A_i \subseteq X\) for all \(i \in I\)
\[ f\left(\bigcap_{i \in I} A_{i}\right) \subseteq \bigcap_{i \in I} f(A_{i})\]and in particular
\[ f\left(\bigcap_{i \in I} A_{i}\right) = \bigcap_{i \in I} f(A_{i}) \quad \text{for any collection of}\ A_i \iff f \ \text{is injective} \]
Pre-Image Preserves UnionFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(B_i \subseteq Y\) for all \(i \in I\)
\[ f^{-1}\left(\bigcup_{i \in I} B_{i}\right) = \bigcup_{i \in I} f^{-1}(B_{i})\]
Pre-Image Preserves IntersectionFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(B_i \subseteq Y\) for all \(i \in I\)
\[ f^{-1}\left(\bigcap_{i \in I} B_{i}\right) = \bigcap_{i \in I} f^{-1}(B_{i})\]
Preservation of Inclusions
Images Preserve InclusionsFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(A_1, A_2 \subseteq X\)
\[ A_{1} \subseteq A_{2} \implies f(A_{1}) \subseteq f(A_{2})\]
Pre-Images Preserve InclusionsFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(B_1, B_2 \subseteq Y\)
\[ B_1 \subseteq B_2 \implies f^{-1}(B_1) \subseteq f^{-1}(B_2)\]
Image of Pre-Image and Pre-Image of Image
Image of Pre-Image is Subset of SetFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(B \subseteq Y\)
\[ f(f^{-1}(B)) \subseteq B\]and in particular
\[ f(f^{-1}(B)) = B \quad \forall B \subseteq Y \iff f \ \text{is surjective}\]
Set is Subset of Pre-Image of ImageFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(A \subseteq X\)
\[ A \subseteq f^{-1}(f(A))\]and in particular
\[ A = f^{-1}(f(A)) \quad \forall A \subseteq X \iff f \ \text{is injective}\]
Image and Pre-Image of Set Complements
Pre-Image Preserves ComplementFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(B \subseteq Y\)
\[ f^{-1}(B^{c}) = f^{-1}(B)^{c}\]
Image of Set ComplementFor \(f : X \to Y\)
\[ f(A)^{c} \subseteq f(A^{c}) \quad \forall A \subseteq X \iff f \ \text{is surjective}\]with the equality condition
\[ f(A)^{c} = f(A^{c}) \quad \forall A \subseteq X \iff f \ \text{is bijective}\]
Set Difference
Pre-Image Preserves Set DifferenceFor \(f : X \to Y\) and \(B_1, B_2 \subseteq Y\)
\[ f^{-1}(B_{1} - B_{2}) = f^{-1}(B_{1}) - f^{-1}(B_{2})\]